About Nina

If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer
If you’re a pretender come sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin

Come in!

Come in!


Shel Silverstein

Nina Bradshaw

Dreaming up a new reality

Welcome I’m Nina Bradshaw, artist and therapeutic arts practitioner. Here you will find my artistic offerings for sale and therapeutic options for you to discover.

 About Me: Although my primary career has been as a mental health worker and therapist, working for the NHS and Charity Sector and more recently for myself, I have kept a creative practice alongside this. I find this assists me to digest and express the grief and fears I face myself around climate change and the ecological crisis, as well as being a therapeutic tool in assisting me to make sense of the sometimes traumatic and distressing situations/emotions evoked by all that is occurring in our world at this time in history.

I can assist you in navigating the complexities of the crises we are all facing and help you to process your emotions around these, as well as offer you a space to think about your own identity and role within the evolving situation. Using a mixture of traditional talking therapies, creative activities to facilitate expression and a safe space to reflect, I hope you will feel free to find a deeper and more energised way to move through the world.

Please take your time to explore my creative and therapeutic offerings. I hope you will feel at home here and find something that resonates with you. Together let’s take a journey of exploration and creativity. Book a free call

I am a registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS) and a registered member of Social Work England.

I qualified as a Social Worker in 2001. I have worked in the NHS and Charity sector for over 20 years. I have worked in therapy services and managed teams throughout this time. I have worked with people from all walks of life and backgrounds.

I have undertaken professional training in different therapeutic modalities, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Group Analysis and Individual Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.

Alongside my professional career, I have maintained a creative practice. I attended life-drawing classes for seven years which gave me a good foundation for the development of my creative offerings. I have explored many different techniques and processes from wax painting to crochet. My felt making practice has been growing since I attended a felt-making workshop over 10 years ago.

Connect with Nina