Creativity leading the way

If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer
If you’re a pretender come sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin

Come in!

Come in!


Shel Silverste

If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer
If you’re a pretender come sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin

Come in!

Come in!


Shel Silverstein

Nina Bradshaw

Dreaming a New Reality

Welcome. I’m Nina Bradshaw, artist and therapeutic arts practitioner. Here you will find my artistic offerings for sale and therapeutic options for you to discover.

 I have been practising as a mental health professional and psychotherapist for over twenty years. Alongside this, I have devoted a lot of my time to developing my artistic practice which has supported my own well-being, enhancing my therapeutic practice and assisting my thought processes.

From my own experiences I know that exploring our own psyche and finding creative expression for this is cathartic, life- affirming and enhances clarity and vision around what we hope to offer to the world.

 I welcome creative thinkers who are committed to environmental activism and are willing to face their own shadows to enhance creativity and self-expression. 

Please take your time to explore my creative and therapeutic offerings. I hope you will feel at home here and find something that resonates with you. Together let’s take a journey into both grief and creativity. Both qualities are so very needed in these disruptive times. Book a free call


Learn to create a beautiful felt picture!

Click here to learn more and how to book


A chance to take some time and space for yourself, to connect with nature and reflect on who you are and where you are in your process.

Creative Guide

I want to empower you to fully embrace your creative process, to explore and discover previously hidden aspects of yourself, because I know through a lifetime of varying experiences that to move forward we need individual healing. To allow ourselves the time and space to process difficult, complex and unspoken thoughts and feeling can lead to a renewed sense of creativity and aliveness. 

Through traversing our inner landscapes do we reach greater understanding of what it is to be human and how to express that humanity in all its forms, and to be better able to relate to the world.

  • Reflective space exploring inner blocks to creativity.

  • More in-depth therapeutic sessions if you are struggling with your mental health . If you’re ready to recognise and meet the parts of yourself that have been neglected, dismissed or undervalued.

  • Felt-making workshops to learn the ancient craft of felt-making to support your well-being and to explore your inner world through the medium of felt making

Client Feedback

‘The class was very engaging and Nina was so supportive and explained everything step-by-step. This made it easy to relax and I really enjoy being creative and learning something new. I’m so pleased with the result, great fun and something I would definitely recommend to others’’- Workshop participant May 2024


Summer Meadow ~ Felt Piece
Fall ~ Felted Piece